Kapitel 4: Wo is Bayern


Some basic pronounciation rules (which applie not always!):

er → a at the end but: aber → aba
of a word computer: Computer → compjutta

r → a after a vowal who: wer → wea
explanation: Erklärung → eaklärung earth: Erdn → eadn
thirst: Durscht → duascht

ll → j to want: wolln → wojn
falling: fallen → fajn
but: the pill: Pille → pille
maybe: vielleicht → vielleicht

The "ü" from Standardgerman words often turn into an "i" or "ia". Most of the times it is therfor written as "i/ia" in Bavarian:
Griaß God = hello in German: Grüßä Gott
miassn = to must in German: müssen
fünf = 5 in German: fünf; Bavarian pronounciation: finf
überlegn = to think about in German: überlegen; Bavarian pronounciation: iberlegn

The Standardgerman "ei" often turns in an "oa". (Depending wether the word in old German was written "ai" or "ay".) But in this course, we will always write "oa", not "ei".
i woaß = i know in German: ich weiß
kloa = small in German: klein
aloa = alone in German: allein


There are three words, which are written in this course with "o", instead of "a" or "å".
what: wos was wås
to have: hobn haben håbn
I like/want: i mog mag i måg
just: grod grad gråd

Try to memorize all three writings of each of the word, as you will frequently come over each of them. Following the rules "å" would be the most correct. But those words are so common, and people are so used to write it with "o". Most places those words get written with an "o", therefor this writing style is adopted in this course.









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