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Boarisch Englisch Kapitel
Boarisch Englisch Kapitel
a a 1
A so? Is this so? 4
a weng a little bit 11
aa also 1
aber but 2
aber but 4
acht eight 9
Afrika Africa 7
ah so oh, right 1
aha aha! 2
alle all, everyone 3
alle all 7
aloa alone 3
Amerika America, also USA 15
auf on 15
auf on 9
aufpassen to be careful 8
Aug (n.) eye (pl Augn) 8
Bam tree 1
Bayern Bavaria 2
beamen to beam (with the transporter) 4
bei uns here, at ours 8
Biache book 1
Bier beer 1
bist'n are (you) (in a question) 2
bled stupid 8
bleibn to stay (i bleib, mia bleibma) 11
brauchn to need 14
Brezl Bavarian funny formed roll 1
Buckel (m.) back 8
Buitl (n.) picture 5
Cafè (n.) cafè (meant here: messhall) 5
de Chance chance 14
Computer computer 5
da there 5
da here 6
da the (masculine) 2
Danke Thank you 6
danke thank you 4
dann then 8
dann is recht all right, that's good 8
dass that 12
de the (feminine) 2
denka to think (i denk, du denkst, mia denkma) 12
der = da masculine article 5
des this 1
des måcht nix it's ok, it doesn't matter 14
des stimmt it's correct 14
deshoib therefor 9
di you (accusativ) 13
di you (akkusativ) 2
dia you (dativ) 10
dia you (dativ) 3
Dia (f.) door 5
dia aa? are you fine, too? 3
Disch (m.) table 5
doa to do 14
doch opposite stressing word 15
Dog (m.) day 9
Doktor (m.) doctor 7
drei three 9
dringa to drink (i dring, mia dringma) 9
du you 2
du bist you are (sg) 2
Durscht (m.) thirst 6
ebbs something 8
echt really 8
Erdn earth 4
Erklärung explanation 1
erstes first 1
es it 11
essn to eat (i iss, du isst, mia essma) 9
fajn to be missing/wrong, in the meaning to be ill. 8
Fajt ebbs? Is something wrong with you? 7
Fenster (n.) window 5
fertig finish 9
Fieber fever 8
Förderation Federation 2
fragn to ask 14
de Frau woman (modern) 13
freili of course 11
Freind friend 3
fria early 11
friara earlier 11
fünf five 9
ganz very 9
gebn to give (i gib, du gibst, mia gebn) 10
geh come on, of course not, ... 15
gehn to go (i geh, mia gemma/gegnma) 11
gehngan they go 15
genau exact 11
gern I'd like to 11
glaubn to believe (i glaub, du glaubst, mia glaubma) 12
glei soon 12
gmiatli cozy, comfortable 12
Grammatik grammer 1
Griaß eich Hello (plural, informal) 7
Griaß God! Hello (formal) 2
Gripp (f.) influenca 8
groaß big 4
grod just now 8
grod only 14
gscheid smart 13
Gsundheit (f.) health, being at good health 8
guat good 3
guat Nåcht good night 12
gwinna to win 14
gwiss for sure 12
Haar (n.) hair 7
Hallo hello (more informal) 2
heit today 9
Helle (n.) pils beer 6
hi there 15
hoam home 11
hoaß hot 8
hoaß to be called 7
hobn to have 6
hoch high 8
hoibe halv (halv to the hours!) 11
Hunger (m.) hunger 6
i I 1
i bin I am 2
i muass geh I have to go 12
de Idee idea 14
im / in in 15
is is 1
is (ja) Wurscht it doesn't matter 15
ja yes 1
Japan Japan 7
jetzt now 7
jung young 13
Kapitel chapter 1
de Kartn playing cards 14
Katz (f.) cat 5
kemma to come
kenna to know 4
kimm I come 2
kimm! come! (imperative) 4
kloa little 4
kloans little () 4
koa no + noun 7
da Kommunikator communicator 15
Kopfweh (n.) headache 8
Krankheit (f.) illness, sickdom 8
kriagn to get 8
lacha to laugh 5
lacht he/she/it laughs 5
Land country, land 4
lang long 7
leider unfortunately 6
liab lovely/nice/cute 13
lieber rather 15
lieber megn to like someone more / to prefer 13
liegn to lay 15
måcha to do, to make 14
Magn stomach 8
manchmoj sometimes 10
megn to like; to want 7
megn to want 6
megn to like, to want 9
mei my 3
mei danke oh thank you 4
meim my (neutrum dativ) 15
mi me(accusativ) 13
mia me (dativ) 10
mia me (dativ) 3
mia we 4
Mia geht’s guat. I'm fine. 3
mia samma we are 4
de Minutn minute 11
mit with (me) 12
miteinand together 7
da Mo man 13
moana to think/believ (i moan, du moanst, mia moanma) 12
morgn tomorrow 14
morgn tomorrow 11
na no 1
nåch after 11
nachad 2
de Nåcht night 12
ned not 4
ned not 1
nett nice 13
neun nine 9
nia never 10
nix nothing 8
no still, yet 14
no not yet, still 11
nomoj again 12
null zero 9
o mei! Oh no! (poor guy..), oh my 3
oam you (a special unpersonal pronoun) 10
oans one 9
Ohr (n.) ear (pl. Ohrn) 7
oid old 13
ois (wia) then 13
ois klar understood 4
oiwai always 6
oiwaj always 10
Pass auf! Take care! 8
passn to fit, to be okay (i pass, des passt, mia passma) 12
Pille pill (But „Bones“ got translated as „Pille“ in German) 7
Prost Cheers 6
Radi (m.) redish 10
Raumschiff spaceship 1
recht right 8
Recht hobn to be right (lit. to have right) 12
road red 8
Russland Russia 7
sauer to be angry, mad, sulky 14
schee nice 3
schlecht bad 8
da Schmarrn nonsense 13
Schnupfa (m.) cold, running nose 8
scho already 7
scho still, nevertheless 6
Schottland Scottland 15
schwarz black 7
sechs six 9
segn to see (i sieg, mia segnma) 9
de Sekund second 11
siebn seven 9
Sitz di hi! Take a seat! 6
sitzn to sit 6
so so 5
sogn to say 7
spat late 11
spuin to play 14
stark strong, heavy 8
Stern (m.) star (also: as Sterndl) 9
Sternzeit (f.) stardate 9
streitn to argue (i streit, du streitst, mia streitma) 13
da Stuj chair 15
de Stund hour 11
super super, wonderful 9
as Tennis tennis 14
treffn to meet (i triff, mia treffma) 9
Tribbl (n.) Tribbel (from the episode „Trubbel with Tribbels“) 5
da Trikorder tricorder 15
tschuldigung excuse me 2
Übung exercise 1
de Uhr clock 11
umma to us 4
umme to you 4
und and 3
vej many, much 4
verliern to loose 14
verstehn to understnad 2
vielleicht maybe 13
vier four 9
viertel quarter 11
vo from (place) 2
Vokabel vocab 1
vor before 11
Vulkan (m.) vulkan (both the mountain, and the planet) 7
wann when 11
Warum? Why? 7
weh hurting 8
wei because 10
Weiße (f.) Weißbier 6
as Wej woman 13
wenn when, if 10
wer who 2
werdn to become 14
wia how 3
Wia geht’s da? How are you? 3
wissn to know 1
wo where 4
woaß know 1
wohna to live 15
wos what 1
Wos bitte? What are you saying? Are you crazy? 13
Zahn (m.) tooth (pl Zehnt) 8
zehn ten 9
Zeit (f.) time 9
as Zimmer room 15
zwoa two 9
zwoa = zwei two 13





