People who like beer, will soon get familiar with the different types,
and people who don't like beer, don't care anyway.
There are also some beer-mix drinks. The most famous is the Radler, which is Helles+Zitronenlimo (normal beer + lemonade). Even many non-beer-drinkers like it. And especially in the summer it is popular, as you can drink much more, without getting dizzy. Other variations are Neger (Dunkel+Coca Cola), Russ (Helles+Cola) ...
Beer is called a staple food in Bavaria and there is the saying about beer being liquid bread (as the nutrition value is actually similar).
The two next popular (nonalcoholic) drinks are Apfelschorle and Spezi (and mineral water). Apfelschorle is epplejuice blanded with water. Spezi is Coke with Fanta. Even when you're out with beerdrinkers and everyone else is drinking something alcoholic it is always accaptable to drink one of the two as well.
The most common food for the „small hunger“ (kloana Hunger) is the Brezn. You can buy it in every backery, station and most kiosks. During school breaks, trips, on shopping tours, small children in the buggy, everywhere this convienent bread-like food is consumed happily.
A variation is the Butterbrezn, which is a Brezn cut open in the middle and put butter on. (This are also the only two ways to eat a Brezn: without anything or with butter)
Another famous simple food is the Weißwurst (white sausage). There are two specialities about it you have to know:
1) always eat it before 12am (late breakfast or early lunch)
2) Either cut it in two halves and peel it, or sug it out of the skin (or eat it with skin! Possible and ok, too)
Weißwurst (also Weißwurscht) is usually eaten with sweet custard, Brezn (or a roll) and a Weißbier. (Yes you can drink beer in the morning, without being called an alcoholic in this situation.)
Weißwurstfrühstück (Weißwurst-breakfast) is especially popular after long and heavy parties or celebrations.