Kapitel 5: Wos is des II
Change the article to the definite article:
(Pasting help: å ä ö ü ß )

Des is a Biache.     →       Des is as Biache. (This is a book. → This is the book.)
Des is a Baam.        →
Des is a Computer.        →
Des is a Freind.         →
Des is a Bier.        →
Des is a Buitl.        →
Des is a Dia und a Fenster. →
Des is a Disch.        →
Des is ned a Brezn.      →
Des is ned a Captain. →
Des is a Katz.        →


Form sentences. Use once the indefinite form and then the definite form.

Dia, groaß → Des is a groaße Dia. (This is a big door.) → Des is de groaße Dia. (This is the big door.)
Biache, schee →
Baam, groaß →
Brezn, kloa →
Katz, schee →
Raumschiff, groaß →
Freind, schee →
Land, groaß →
Buitl, kloa →
Erdn, schee →
Fenster, groaß →


Make questions out of these sentences:

Des is a Freind. →
Da Freind kimmt umma. →
Des Buitl is schee. →
Des kenn i ned. →
Mia beamma Scotty umme. →
I woaß des. →
Du bist schee. →
Mia kemma ned. →










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