Boarischs Essen II – Bavarian food part 2
As Frühstück (early-piece → breakfast) often consistes of bread and jam, cheese and meet/sausages. Ceareals and müsli might as well be eaten. Or just a coffee or an aple. Cake is also considered as breakfast on special days as birthdays, easter etc.

As Mittagessn (midday-food → lunch) is the main meal, which is ideally eaten together with the whole family. Because of the working conditions nowadays, most families can't be together for lunch and some even shift the warm meal to the evening. A good Mittagessen consists of a soup or a salad, a main dish and a dessert.
In the countryside the Mittagessen is still eaten between 11-12am. In the towns however most people eat between 12am-2pm.
As Abendessn (evening-meal → dinner) is eaten at around 6 or 7pm. It usually consists of bread cheese and meat or sausages. Sometimes you will find salad, soup or leftovers from lunch as well as different kinds of (sweet) porridge.
A Brotzeit (bread-time → snack) is a smaller meal. Usually this phrase refers to a snack or some food in between (school breaks, or on trips). But it might as well indicated dinner or lunsj. A Brotzeit is always cold food. Mainly bread and sandwiches, maybe fruits and other small bits.
Some famous food:
da Schweinebratn | pork roast |
da Rinderbratn | beef roast |
de Schweinshaxn | pork leg |
da Sauerbratn | saur roast |
as Fleischpflanzerl | meatball |
da Semmelknödel | bread dumpling |
da Kartoffelknödel | potato dumpling |
as Sauerkraut | saur cabbage |
da Krautsalat | cabbage salad |
da Kartoffesalat | potato salad (without majonese, but with vinegar) |
da Leberkaas | This is some kind of meatpasty (despite the name liver-cheese, it is neither cheese nor liver). Eaten cold or warm.
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